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ICT Task Force study

The project has started in July 2020 and is expected to be completed by the end of 2022. The Study will consist of the following tasks:

Task 1 - Creation of project website, initial list of stakeholders, launch of an initial awareness message
Task 2 - Consolidation of the definition and categorisation of the different sectors/products analysed under 'ICT products'
Task 3 - Potential for Energy Savings
Task 4 - Material Efficiency: Collection of data
Task 5 - Analysis of potential for material efficiency
Task 6 - Analysis of trade-offs and synergies
Task 7 - Analysis of user behaviour implications
Task 8 - Grouping of products
Task 9 - Analysis of the Life cycle costing implications
Task 10 - Comprehensive compilation of possible policy instruments for ICTs products
Task 11 - Suitability for different policy instruments
Task 12 - Final Policy Recommendations.

The project foresee two stakeholder consultations (during and at the end of the study). Registered stakeholders will be informed about the publication of draft reports, the availability of questionnaires and upcoming meetings by email.


The first stakeholder meeting to discuss on the draft reports for Task 2 and Task 3 took place on 23th of November 2021 by means of webinar.