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Commercial Refrigeration

Commercial refrigeration


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Ecodesign is one of several policy approaches aiming at reducing the environmental impact of a product throughout the entire life cycle.

The European Commission's Energy and Enterprise and Industry Directorates-General have in the last years deployed a wide array of ecodesign policy measures.

In this particular project in 2013-2014, the Joint Research Centre's Directorate B - Growth and Innovation (JRC) will support the European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy in the preparation of Ecodesign requirements for Commercial Refrigeration.

The Ecodesign requirements for Commercial Refrigeration will be based on the requirements addressed in EU Ecodesign Directive (2009/125/EC) "Setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products". The aim is to define requirements based on updated and clear environmental criteria with a scientific evidence base. Several environmental, safety, technical and functional aspects will be considered.

Stakeholder involvement is a crucial part of this study. During the development of Ecodesign requirements, continuous wide consultation is foreseen with experts and stakeholders of manufacturers, supply chain industry, consumer organizations and NGOs. The evidence base uses available scientific information and data, adopts a life-cycle approach and engages participants to discuss the issues and develop consensus.

If you would like to be involved in the consultation process, you are welcome to do so through this website, by registering as a stakeholder. The registered stakeholders will be regularly informed about the progress of the study, have access to preliminary results and draft documents and can respond to requests for information and/or participate at stakeholder meetings.

If you would like to contact us directly, we refer to the contact details of the project team.