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This is the project website of the revision of the EU Ecolabel and EU Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria for "Indoor Cleaning Services". The study was carried out from 2013 to 2018 by the Joint Research Centre's Dir.B - Growth and Innovation (JRC). The work was developed for the European Commission's Directorate General for the Environment.
The EU Ecolabel promotes the production and consumption of products with a reduced environmental impact through the life cycle. The label is awarded to the best performing products available in the market.
The EU Ecolabel criteria are based on the requirements addressed in EU Ecolabel Regulation 66/2010.
The GPP criteria are based on the requirements addressed in EU Communication COM(2008) 400 "Public Procurement for a better Environment".
The criteria are defined on the basis of the environmental information derived from Life Cycle Assessment and product oriented environmental performance assessment studies. Different environmental, safety and functional aspects are considered.
The evidence base uses available scientific information and data, adopts a life-cycle approach and engages participants to discuss the issues and develop consensus.
Stakeholder involvement was a crucial part of this study. During the GPP and EU Ecolabel criteria revision, wide consultation took place with experts and stakeholders of manufacturers, supply chain industry, consumer organizations and NGOs.