Giorgia Faraca | Giorgia.FARACA@ec.europa.eu |
Christoforos Spiliotopolous | Christoforos.SPILIOTOPOULOS@ec.europa.eu |
Angela Ranea Palma | Angela.RANEA-PALMA@ec.europa.eu |
María Natividad Pérez Camacho | MNati.PEREZ-CAMACHO@ec.europa.eu |
Alfonso Lag Brotons | Alfonso.LAG-BROTONS@ec.europa.eu |
David Bernad Beltran | David.BERNAD-BELTRAN@ec.europa.eu |
Oliver Wolf | Oliver.WOLF@ec.europa.eu |
Esther Sanye Menygual | Esther.SANYE-MENGUAL@ec.europa.eu |
Andrea Amadei | Andrea.AMADEI@ext.ec.europa.eu |
Thibaut Maury | Thibaut.MAURY@ec.europa.eu |
Fulvio Ardente | Fulvio.ARDENTE@ec.europa.eu |
Fabrice Mathieux | Fabrice.MATHIEUX@ec.europa.eu |
Directorate B is one of the eight scientific directorates of the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). Since 1994, we promote and enable a better understanding of the links between technology, economy and society. Our mission is to provide customer-driven support to the EU policy-making process by developing science-based responses to policy challenges that have both a socio-economic as well as a scientific/ technological dimension. Our work is undertaken, mainly, at the request of other Directorates General of the European Commission. In recent years, several assignments have been carried out for the European Parliament. Directorate B collaborates closely with the other directorates of the Joint Research Centre and multiple partners across Europe.
The Product Bureau team of the Circular Economy and Sustainable Industry Unit (B5) focuses its work on assisting DG ENV, DG GROW, DG ENER and other DGs with technical background studies on the product policy tools of EU Ecolabel, EU Green Public Procurement, Ecodesign and Energy label for numerous product groups.
The mission of Directorate D is to provide independent scientific evidence to support the development, implementation, evaluation and coherence of EU policies, mainly in the areas of agriculture and rural development, development cooperation, environment and climate change, blue growth and fisheries, the bioeconomy, industry and trade. Directorate D supports the development of a sustainable bioeconomy, highlights the threats to our existing resources and explores alternatives and future perspectives using advanced biophysical and economic analyses, including geospatial technologies, modelling and supply-chain analyses.
The Land Resource and Supply Chain Assessments (Unit D.3) assists transversally several DGs of the European Commission, pursuing its mission to provide science-based knowledge for policies development, aiming at securing sustainability of production and consumption systems in a life cycle approach. Unit D.3 supports the implementation of policies related to the Green Deal and the associated Circular Economy Action Plan, understanding the interaction between humans and the biosphere, focusing on life-cycle assessment studies, coupled with the assessment of (critical) raw materials, ecosystem services, and land management, along with how these respond to changing environmental, societal and economic conditions. In particular, unit D.3 contributes to develop the Environmental Footprint method, and explores the EU impacts associated with consumption through indicators such as the Consumer and Consumption footprint as well as supply chain assessments focusing on (critical) raw materials management along the full value chains of EU strategic industrial sectors.