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Rinse off cosmetics


Welcome to the 'rinse-off cosmetic products' website

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This is the project website of the revision of EU Ecolabel criteria for “Rinse-off cosmetics”. The revision study is carried out by the Joint Research Centre's Directorate B - Growth and Innovation (JRC) for the European Commission's Directorate General for the Environment.

The EU Ecolabel for Cosmetics promotes the production and consumption of products with a reduced environmental impact along the life cycle. The EU Ecolabel is awarded only to the best environmentally performing products in the market.

The EU Ecolabel criteria are revised within the framework of the EU Ecolabel Regulation 66/2010. The criteria are revised taking into consideration legislation, market development, technical standards and environmental aspects mainly from a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) perspective. Moreover, during the EU Ecolabel and GPP criteria revision process continuous consultation is carried out with a broad group of experts and stakeholders representing manufacturers, supply chain industry, procurers, member states, consumer organizations and NGOs.

The study requires and welcomes active participation from stakeholders. If you would like to be involved in the consultation process, you can do so via this website, by registering as a stakeholder. Registered stakeholders will be regularly informed about the progress of the study, have access to preliminary results and draft documents and can respond to questionnaires and/or participate at stakeholder meetings.