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Welcome to the home page of the 'Imaging equipment and consumables' project to develop a preparatory and an impact assessment study to identify and assess the feasibility of sustainable product policy instruments for imaging equipment and consumables under the Ecodesign and Energy Labelling framework.
The scope of this study covers printers, copying machines, scanners and multi-functional devices (MFD) and consumables, such as containers and cartridges.
The Ecodesign Directive and the Energy Labelling Regulation are two of the policy instruments deployed in the EU to reduce the environmental impacts of products throughout their entire life cycles.
The European Commission has included Imaging Equipment in the new Ecodesign and Energy Labelling Working Plan 2022-20241 and launched the preparation of regulatory measures for this product group
During this project, continuous and broad consultation is foreseen with experts and stakeholders representing all facets of the product group and its supply chain, including manufacturers, remanufacturers, consumer organisations, academia, and NGOs, as well as Member State representatives.
JRC Directorate B undertakes independent, neutral, science-based research in support of the study and involves stakeholder experts through a structured technical working group process.
1 https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A52022XC0504%2801%29&qid=1651649049970