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Welcome to the home page of the 'Solar Photovoltaics' project to develop a preparatory and an impact assessment study on sustainable product policy instruments to assess the feasibility of applying Ecodesign, Energy Label, Ecolabel and Green Public Procurement instruments to solar photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems.
The Ecodesign and the Energy Label Directives are two of the policy instruments deployed in the EU to reduce the environmental impacts of products throughout their entire life cycles.
The EU Ecolabel Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 provides a framework for the setting of voluntary environmental criteria for defined product groups with the aim of reducing the negative life cycle environmental impacts associated with the production and consumption of those same products.
The objective of Green Public Procurement (GPP) is to provide guidance on how to reduce the environmental impacts of public sector consumption and procurement criteria that can be used to stimulate innovation in environmental technologies, products and services.
Between 20017-2020, JRC Directorate B supported the Directorate General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) in the development of the "Preparatory study for the product group 'solar photovoltaic modules, inverters and systems' (Photovoltaic Panels)".
A follow up on Ecodesign potential requirements and Energy Label has started 2020 and will take place along 2021 and 2023.
During the project, continuous and broad consultation is foreseen with experts and stakeholders representing all facets of the product group and its supply chain, including manufacturers, suppliers, distributers, installers, investors, public authorities, testing bodies, consumer organisations, academia, and NGOs, as well as Member State representatives.
JRC Directorate B undertakes independent, neutral, science-based research in support of the study and involves stakeholder experts through a structured technical working group process.
If you would like to be informed about the project, register as a stakeholder through this website and participate through the online consultation platform BATIS. For any administrative or other queries, please use the dedicated mailbox.