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The preparatory study on textile products, hereinafter referred to as PS, will mainly follow the structure prescribed by the Methodology for Ecodesign of Energy-related Products (MEErP). This methodology has over many years proved to be comprehensive and effective in preparing product related legislation, and is therefore deemed fit to be applied also to non-energy-related products. The MEErP consists of seven tasks: task 1 on scope, task 2 on markets, task 3 on user behaviour, task 4 on technologies, task 5 on environment and economics, task 6 on design options, and task 7 on policy scenarios. The used methodology will be adapted to the specific features of the textile product group and the requirements set by the Regulation (EU) 2024/1781 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for sustainable products (ESPR). 

Besides following the tasks set by the MEErP, the PS will include the building blocks of the Ecolabel Preliminary Report, as set by the EU Ecolabel Regulation. Additionally, the PS will point out the focus areas of the EU GPP criteria of the product selected in the scope. 

The development of the PS will include the direct involvement of stakeholders following the principles of the Sevilla Process. The Table below reports the stages of the project that will require the participation of registered stakeholders.

The following link allows the registration as stakeholder:



Topic addressed



Initial questionnaire

Definitions, Scope, Market analysis, User Behaviour, Ecodesign aspects, EU Ecolabel, EU Green Public Procurement


30 March 2023 – 8 May 2023


1st milestone

Scope, market, user behaviour, current EU Ecolabel criteria, current EU Green Public Procurement criteria


23 February 2024 – 22 April 2024


2nd milestone

Technologies, framework and data gaps of environmental and economic model, and a questionnaire about substances of concern


14 November 2024 - 17 March 2025


3rd milestone

Analysis of base case and design options


To be communicated

4th milestone

Policy scenarios, and elements to be included in the Digital Product Passport

To be communicated


For each milestone, the stakeholder consultation will include the following steps:

  1. The JRC will communicate by email to all registered stakeholders the time and steps of the specific consultation, as well as the document(s) related to the milestone. All documents will be uploaded on the specific section.
  2. Registered stakeholders will read the working document(s) before the on-line consultation meeting.
  3. The JRC and registered stakeholders will attend the on-line consultation meeting. In this meeting, registered stakeholders will be able to openly discuss with the JRC and among themselves.
  4. Registered stakeholders will provide comments to the working document(s).
  5. On a specific section, the JRC will publish anonymised written comments submitted by the registered stakeholders.

The suitable time will be given to each step of the stakeholder consultation.


 Details about the 2nd milestone


Actions of registered stakeholders

From 14 November to 8 December 2024

May read the section on product technologies before the online consultation meeting

From 2 to 9 December 2024

May read the questionnaire on substances and substances of concern

On 9 and 10 December 2024

Attended the online consultation meeting

From 18 December 2024 to 3 March 2025

Will be able to provide comments in writing to the working document

From 18 December 2024 to 10 March 2025

Will be able to contribute to the questionnaire on substances and substances of concern

from 18 December 2024 to 17 March 2025 

Will be able to contribute to improve the inventory and framework of the environmental and economic model



1) How to provide written comments to the working document 

Stakeholders will be able to provide written comments to the working document (Textile-Prep-Study_2nd-Milestone_20241217.pdf) until 3 March 2025 at 23:59 CET. Written comments should be submitted via this web form

The web form allows the submission of maximum 10 comments, but stakeholders can submit as many web forms as they wish

When providing your comments, please be mindful that what is most relevant is the reasoning and evidence supporting a position, rather than the number of contributions. JRC encourages stakeholders to team up and send well-argued aggregated comments. Additionally, JRC encourages companies to provide comments via their associations

Please, do not include personal information or the name of your company or institution in the submitted comment. If stakeholders wish to share additional documents, this should be done via email to 

2) How to contribute to the questionnaire on substances and substances of concern 

Stakeholders will be able to contribute to the questionnaire on substances and substances of concern until 10 March 2025 at 23:59 CET

Contributions should be submitted via this questionnaire.

3) How to contribute to improve the environmental and economic model 

Stakeholders will be able to contribute to improve the environmental and economic model until 17 March 2025 at 23:59 CET. Contributions should be submitted by completing the Excel file (Textile_ PS_LCI_comment_and_data_collection_20241217.xlsx) after reading the supporting document (Supporting_document_for_LCA-LCC_model_20241217.pdf). The completed Excel file should be sent to the email address