This is the project website for the revision process of:
- EU Ecolabel criteria as specified in the Commission Decision 2014/312/EU of 28 May 2014 establishing the ecological criteria for the award of the EU Ecolabel for indoor and outdoor paints and varnishes.
The EU Ecolabel for indoor and outdoor paints and varnishes promotes the production and consumption of products with a reduced environmental impact along the life cycle and is awarded only to the best (environmental) performing products in the market.
The EU Ecolabel criteria are based on the requirements addressed in EU Ecolabel Regulation 66/2010. The criteria are defined on the basis of the environmental information derived from Life Cycle Assessment and product oriented environmental performance assessment studies. Several environmental, safety, technical and functional aspects are considered. Moreover, during the EU Ecolabel criteria development continuous wide consultation is foreseen with experts and stakeholders of manufacturers, supply chain industry, consumer organizations and NGOs.
If you would like to be involved in the revision process, you can do so through the website, by registering as a stakeholder. The registered stakeholders will be regularly informed about the progress of the revision.
The revision process is ongoing and the 1st Ad-Hoc Working Group (AHWG) took place on the 7 May 2024 in a virtual format.
The 2nd Ad-Hoc Working Group (AHWG) took place on the 13 November 2024 in a virtual format.
Currently, the documents that serve as the basis of the discussions to happen during the third consultation (in written), i.e., the “Third version of the Draft Technical Report 3” (TR3), as well as the legal documents and table of comments to the 2nd AHWG meeting, are accessible at:
Registered stakeholders can share their written comments to the Draft TR3 only via the BATIS platform.
Any comments not related to the Draft TR2, please send them by email to the email address
Stakeholders are invited to provide their written comments to the Draft Technical Report 3 no later than 20 March 2025.
Thank you for your interest!
Please use the feedback form to send us your comments. If you would like to contact us directly, we refer to the contact details of the project team.