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Welcome to the website on ecodesign and energy label for domestic ovens, hobs and range hoods

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The Ecodesign and the Energy Label directives are two of the policy instruments deployed in the EU for reducing the environmental impacts of products throughout their entire life cycles. In the last years, the European Commission's Directorates for Energy, and for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs have implemented ecodesign and labelling requirements to a wide basket of products.

This webpage provides information about the Ecodesign/EU Energy Label Revision Study on the group Cooking appliances. The project is being carried out for the European Commission's Directorate General Energy (DG ENER) by Directorate B - Growth and Innovation of the European Commission´s Joint Research Centre (JRC Directorate B).

The Ecodesign/ Energy Labelling Revision Study will consist of a comprehensive analysis of the product group Cooking appliances, conducted following the Methodology for the Ecodesign of Energy-related Products (MEErP). The JRC Directorate B will undertake independent, neutral, science-based research, involving stakeholder experts through a structured stakeholder working group process. The project will include the collection, processing, analysis and production of environmental, economic and technical information.>

Based on this evidence, the JRC Directorate B will support DG ENER in the revision of the existing ecodesign and labelling regulations, and in the Impact Assessment. JRC-Dir.B will undertake independent, neutral, science-based research and involve stakeholder experts through a structured technical working group process.