The new revision for this project is expected to start soon (starting date to be confirmed)
This project will be based mainly on the requirements addressed in Annex I of the Regulation (EC) No 66/2010 of the European Parliament and the Council of 25 November 2009 on the EU Ecolabel.
The following five tasks are foreseen:
1. Preliminary report: contains outcomes from tasks 1-4, covering:
2. Technical report including criteria proposal and supporting rationale. During the revision process, this report is improved via stakeholders' consultation, with several intermediate versions are produced.
The revision process is ongoing and the vote is expected by Q2 of 2026 (date to be determined).
The 1st technical meeting (Ad Hoc Working Group – AHWG) happened virtually on the 12th and 13th of March 2024, accepting written comments until the 19th April 2024.
The technical working sub-groups (sub-AHWG) that JRC organised after the 1st AHWG meeting to best progress within certain criteria areas, focused on Fitness for Use (FfU), Microbial containing products (MCP) and Packaging (PACK), have now concluded. Two meetings were held as part of each sub-AHWG: FfU (11th June / 17th September); MCP (25th June / 1st October); and PACK (16th July / 15th October). All documentation associated to these sub-AHWG meetings (presentations, minutes, background documents) will be progressively made available at some point during the revision lifetime at
The 2nd AHWG meeting will take place on the 12th (afternoon) and 13th (full day) of March 2025 in hybrid format (virtual + in person in Brussels). The Call for Expression of Interest to participate in it has just been released (16/12/24) and it will close on the 10th January 2025 at 18:00 CET. It can be accessed here:
Registered stakeholders will receive further updates and communications about the this and other related matters to the revision process.