Publication of the Beta version 1.0 of Level(s)- a common EU framewok of core sustainability indicators for office and residential buildings (August 2017)
Following an open consultation which ran from July to October 2016, a major stakeholder working group meeting held in Brussels on the 30th November 2016 and intensive interaction with technical sub-group and steering group members during the first half of 2017, the first Beta version of the common EU framework of core sustainability indicators for buildings - now referred to by the Commission as 'Level(s)' - has been published. The Beta version 1.0 will now form the basis for a two year pilot phase which will be led by DG Environment with support from the JRC.
The Beta version documentation, which is in three parts, can be downloaded from here
Publication of public consultation report and follow-up discussion paper with revised proposals (November 2016)
Following closure of the public consultation on the 7th October, the JRC have drafted a report which presents the results. In addition to this, and in advance of the second Working Group meeting of stakeholder sub-group members on the 30th November 2016, the JRC have published a discussion paper which synthesises the feedback received on the first draft of the framework. The discussion paper outlines revised proposals for how the framework as a whole could work, as well the selection of the indicators themselves.
The two documents can be downloaded from here
Public consultation on the first proposals for core indicators has been launched (July 2016)
A public consultation on the first draft proposals for indicators has now opened. The consultation takes the form of an on-line questionnaire which can be completed using the EU Survey tool. The consultation will be open until the 7th October 2016.
For full details please see the consultation page
Publication of the final version of the macro-objectives working paper (December 2015)
The final set of six macro objectives that will be translated into indicators during 2016 have now been identified. These have been published in the final, revised working paper ‘Identifying macro-objectives for the life cycle environmental performance and resource efficiency of EU buildings’ which is now posted on BATIS and on the project website in the documents section. here
As a result of the valuable input of main stakeholder group participants that attended the first working group meeting in Brussels in June, together with the many written submissions, the working paper was updated and a methodology was developed to prioritise the environmental issues that form the basis for the macro-objectives. A set of potential 'life cycle environmental performance' macro-objectives were identified and were subject to critical review during September and October 2015 by the main steering group for the study (SG1) and the expert sub group (SG2).
In addition to the discussion on environmental priorities, a strong view was expressed by the main stakeholder group and the two sub-groups that we should somehow also address the ‘quality, performance and value’ of buildings. As a result, in addition to the 'life cycle environmental performance' macro-objectives a set that relate to building 'quality, performance and value' have also now been identified. During 2016, six of these macro-objectives - three of each type - will be taken forward in order to identify related performance indicators that will comprise the first version of the EU common framework.