The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) is developing a sectoral reference document on best environmental management practice in the electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) manufacturing sector.
This activity is part of the JRC work on identification of best environmental management practice and development of EMAS Sectoral Reference Documents for different sectors.
The document will identify the main environmental issues and describe best environmental management practices that electrical and electronic equipment manufacturers can implement to reduce their environmental impact in the areas of manufacturing operations, supply chain management and fostering of the circular economy, while avoiding overlaps with applicable legislation in this area such as reference documents under the Industrial Emissions Directive or the Waste EEE Directive.
Work plan
- A background report to support the development of the sectoral reference document (SRD) was produced by the Öko-Institut (Germany) in 2013-14 (published on this webpage in March 2015 - see below).
- Meanwhile, the JRC established a Technical Working Group (TWG) comprising experts in environmental management in the EEE manufacturing sector to gather and review information and to validate the best environmental management practices, environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence. The kick-off meeting of the TWG took place in Brussels in February 2015. The findings from the Öko-Institut study were presented to the TWG as a basis for discussion and feedback.
- Based on the feedback collected at the kick-off meeting and in the following months from the technical working gourp, the JRC developed the set of proposed best environmental management practice. These best practices and related proposals of environmental performance indicators and benchmarks of excellence were discussed at a final meeting of the Technical Working Group on the EEE manufacturing sector which took place in Brussels in February 2016.
- Based on the outcome of the final meeting and on further comments and inputs received from the Technical Working Group, the JRC produced the final best practice report.
- On the basis of the best practice report, the European Commission developed and adopted the related EMAS sectoral reference document on best environmental management practice for the electrical and electronic equipment manufacturing sector.
Project Team and Contacts
The following people are part of the JRC EMAS team:
- Paolo Canfora
- Marco Dri
- Ioannis Antonopoulos
- Pierre Gaudillat
If you have any question on the work carried out in this area or if you would like to contribute to the identification of best environmental management practices, please feel free to contact us. The best way to do so is sending an e-mail to